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Seller(Anderson) Reply: 根据百联集团此前发布的公告,阿里巴巴受让联华超市已发行股本的18%,成为第二大股东。值得注意的是,公告特别指出易果生鲜仍持有1.17%的股份,将继续发挥其在生鲜供应链和物流方面长期积累的优势,与联华超市形成战略互补和业务协同。2017-06-01
According to the Bailian Group previously released announcement, the Alibaba Lianhua Supermarket issued share capital of 18%, becoming the second largest shareholder. It is worth noting that the announcement noted that fresh fruit is easy to hold 1.17% of the shares, will continue to play its long-term accumulation in fresh supply chain and logistics advantages, the formation of strategic complementarity and collaborative business and Lianhua supermarket. 2017-06-01
Seller(Anderson) Reply: Orientation is very important, and the wrong positioning will waste a lot of time, money and workload.