
5 訂單數量

--->>>到達時間 5-7天

--->>>到達時間 15-27天

--->>>到達時間 5-7天
型號 | TDA2002 |
封装 | TO-220 |
品牌 | ST |
年份 | 08+ |
描述 | - |
規格書 | 點擊查看 |

****** | 訂單號: PO:*******4079913# |
 | 2017/4/25 14:34:07(時間) |
| ADM1032ARMZ-2REEL|ADM1032ARMZ-2R|ADM1032ARMZ-2RL7|AKM4381VT|EM78P469BL64JV|ADP3211AMNR2G|ADP32090091CPZR|UBX-G6000-BA|TDA2002| |
| 买家没有评价,系统默认好评。 |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: Thank you for all the trust and support of all the buyers, and we will give you better service. |
***** | 訂單號: PO:*******2519528# |
 | 2017/4/25 14:22:51(時間) |
| TDA2002| |
| Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: “一带一路”(英文:The Belt and Road,缩写B&R)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称
"Belt and Road Initiative" (English: The Belt and Road, abbreviated B&R) is Silk Road Economic Belt "in twenty-first Century and" maritime Silk Road "referred to
「辺路」(英語:ザBelt andロード、略B&R)は「シルクロード経済帯」と「21世紀の海のシルクロード”の略称 2017-5-15 |
s***** | 訂單號: PO:*******7181366# |
 | 2017/4/17 11:07:18(時間) |
| TDA2002|ADAU1446YSTZ-3A| |
| 买家没有评价,系统默认好评。 |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: 批量采购电子元器件请上 互联思维电子数据资源交易网 百万数据原装正品元件任你采。 |
***** | 訂單號: PO:*******1062808# |
 | 2017/4/17 11:01:06(時間) |
| 1.6A-250V|TDA2002| |
| Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: Electronic data resource trading network,electronic data,Integrated circuit IC,Power module,Triode,diode,PDF,Product picture |
***** | 訂單號: PO:*******4525573# |
 | 2017/4/13 17:44:52(時間) |
| TDA2002| |
| Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: Electronic data resource trading network,electronic data,Integrated circuit IC,Power module,Triode,diode,PDF,Product picture