互聯思維(香港)電子有限公司 | 會員登錄 | 註冊帳號
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 ****  訂單號: PO:********9535498--->>>#
2016/6/28 11:59:53(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********6351183--->>>#
2016/6/27 16:26:35(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********8132686--->>>#
2016/6/27 16:18:13(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********3025240--->>>#
2016/6/27 15:53:02(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: Order time out, the system is completed by default.
 李****  訂單號: PO:********5553033--->>>#
2016/7/5 11:56:38(訂單時間)
 ****  訂單號: PO:********0152766--->>>#
2016/6/26 22:40:15(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 李****  訂單號: PO:********0409452--->>>#
2016/7/5 11:56:47(訂單時間)
 ****  訂單號: PO:********0302924--->>>#
2016/6/25 16:00:30(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********0222469--->>>#
2016/7/5 22:32:35(訂單時間)
 Good supplier
 ****  訂單號: PO:********9081210--->>>#
2016/6/24 17:09:08(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********0203889--->>>#
2016/6/23 22:30:20(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********8284480--->>>#
2016/6/23 22:28:28(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********4449950--->>>#
2016/6/23 22:24:44(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********8362076--->>>#
2016/6/23 22:18:36(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********7331997--->>>#
2016/6/23 22:07:33(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********3336348--->>>#
2016/6/23 20:13:33(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: Order time out, the system is completed by default.
 ****  訂單號: PO:********7412428--->>>#
2016/7/14 16:44:16(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 李****  訂單號: PO:********2478134--->>>#
2016/6/28 18:35:24(訂單時間)
 ****  訂單號: PO:********2068680--->>>#
2016/6/23 15:12:06(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********1193073--->>>#
2016/6/23 18:44:26(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 李****  訂單號: PO:********6322290--->>>#
2016/6/28 18:35:19(訂單時間)
 李****  訂單號: PO:********6032191--->>>#
2016/7/5 11:56:18(訂單時間)
 ****  訂單號: PO:********9248595--->>>#
2016/6/23 10:49:24(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********8405263--->>>#
2016/6/23 10:18:40(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********6272794--->>>#
2016/6/22 17:36:27(訂單時間)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 ****  訂單號: PO:********2079240--->>>#
2016/6/22 15:02:07(訂單時間)
 李****  訂單號: PO:********1396302--->>>#
2016/6/28 18:35:47(訂單時間)
 ****  訂單號: PO:********8599758--->>>#
2016/6/22 12:18:59(訂單時間)
 h****  訂單號: PO:********2507674--->>>#
2016/6/21 16:52:50(訂單時間)
 冯****  訂單號: PO:********9093417--->>>#
2016/6/21 16:10:47(訂單時間)

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